29 November 2007

Ordering US Civil War Pension Records

There are two ways to order pension and military records from the US National and Records Administration:

1) Order online

2) Request an Order Form (NATF85) sent to you by mail. There are several options to do this

Give your name and mailing address, the form number and the number of forms you need (limit five per order).

  • Request the form (NATF85) using the Order Form
  • Request the form (NATF85) using email inquire@nara.gov
  • Request the form (NATF85) using US mail- Write to NARA at this address:
    The National Archives and Records Administration General Reference Branch (NNRG-P) National Archives and Records Administration 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20408
  • Request the form (NATF85) by telephone (202) 501-5652

There is more information on pensions and what they contain on our site.