25 August 2012

Aunt Alice Appears in a Texas Wedding

It really isn't a big find, but it still makes an excellent point.

I searched for my great-uncle, Edward Habben,  in the newspaper collection at  Genealogybank. I really was not expecting to find anything except maybe an additional reference to his obituary which I already had. Uncle Ed was born, raised, and died in Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois--so any references to him should have been from newspapers in that area.

Habben is not the most common name--and when I located a reference on Genealogybank in the Dallas Morning News, I was surprised. The reference, from 14 May 1950 (section 3, page 4) was actually to Mrs. Edward Habben. There are not many Habben families in the United States and most of us are centered in the upper Midwest.

The reference was actually to my uncle's wife, my great-aunt Alice. It had to be her as she is referred to as "Mrs. Edward Habben, Carthage, Illinois." Turns out she was in the wedding of a former Carthage resident who actually married in Dallas.

Just goes to show you that you never know where a reference will turn up.

The clue isn't a big revelation for me, but it has made me think about going back and performing some additional searches.