16 October 2014

Where Were Notices Posted

Parties involved in a court case are to be given notice of when actions are to be taken.

This statement from August of 1920 indicated where four public postings were made regarding the sale of real estate in guardianship case.
Proof of public posting of notices for sale of real estate,
Guardianship of Mattie, Etta, and John B. Garrelts, digital image obtained from FamilySearch

This "notice of posting" appears in the guardianship file for the children of Etta Garrelts (Mattie, Etta, and John B.) in Hancock County, Illinois' probate records.

Posting of notices was a common occurrence and in later court materials a notice of the exact placing of these notes is usually included in the records. In earlier records the naming of places where items are posted can serve as evidence that a certain tavern or meeting place was in existence. The difficulty is that there is no index to place names listed in court records. For most of us, the names of these places simply add some background material to our ancestor's lives.

In this case I know where two of these places are (the bank and the courthouse). The other two I'll have to see if I can locate. My personal memory does not stretch back to 1920.

Note: FamilySearch currently indicates that this file is "volume 176." Having used the probate and guardianship records of Hancock County, Illinois, extensively, that does not quite seem to be the correct reference the digital images appear to be from the packets of loose papers and not the bound volumes. An extremely cursory scan of the materials in this "volume" suggests that they are guardianship papers in the early 1920 era.

We'll have an update when I've actually viewed the records at the courthouse.